Guru Guru village: the third village that was a plant out of GBCC. Stephen Hibu - from here on out... Hibu: but you have to say it like : eee booo!!!
It was another awesome day where there was medical and evangelistic outreach as well as a VBS for the kids. 642 patients were seen... (take THAT silly HMO's...sorry personal vendetta there...back to Uganda), over 30 sets of eyes were given sight via new eyeglasses - in fact every single person was seen by the doctors and given the prescriptions. While they were waiting to be seen Mark and Tracy were able to share their testimonies about all that God had done in their lives. Everyone was busy with filling meds, tending to wounds etc... Adam, sans translator at the time, began going down the line of awaiting patients where he met a man that gestured with his hands that his head was in great pain. Adam prayed for this and then brought him over to wound care to be seen and treated where he ended up hearing the gospel and coming to salvation!! Adam, in faith, continued to pray for the man and the pain in his head. Fingers began tingling so Adam continued to pray. and yes, the Lord healed the man. God is so like that. So faithful. So loving. Sophie and Marlene compassionately worked in wound care as well. Marlene was the rockstar of the day as she sweetly cared for a baby that needed the infected skin of her burnt body cleaned off to heal afresh. This is agonizing to watch, let alone do, but the loving, prayerful heart of Marlene was obedient in knowing this will give a clean, healthy start for healing.
VBS was also held that day and may children heard the story of Daniel through a puppet show as well Frankie sharing about salvation from our Lord. Many hands were quietly raised that day to receive Jesus in their hearts and lives. Whitney noticed a sweet girl that had her hand raised to acknowledge Jesus as her savior and went to go pray for her. As Whitney -the tall, blond foreigner that she is - approached, the young girl become frightened of her and began wailing hysterically. Whitney retreated and the girl calmed down and not wanting the sweet lil' one to go un prayed for, Whitney went in again only to be met with the same response. If you know Whitney, she is about the gentlest, kindest person so for this to happen with her was actually humorous. The little girl was prayed for.... just from afar. :)
Others that had the privilege of sharing the gospel out in the village were David Miller, Katrina and Connor in one group and Debbie, Matt, and Dakota in one and Patti, Frankie and Katie in another. Many people accepted the Lord this day, too. Praise be to God. Truly.
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